We can typically address your concerns through submitted photos. If a sample is needed, we will contact you to request one, and give you specific instructions for collecting and shipping at that time. Once you have confirmed with the Lab that a sample is needed, please follow the guidelines below to ensure the sample remains identifiable.
Tree Parts and Fungi
Before sending symptomatic leaves, twigs or branches, bark or roots, please call us, as these samples must be dealt with in a timely manner and may have special storage needs. Leaf samples should be dry when collected, stored in a plastic ziplock bag, and refrigerated.
Store and ship multiple plant parts (leaves, rots, branches) in separate plastic bags. This will help us isolate the problem in different parts of the plant.
Add a dry paper towel to each plastic bag to absorb moisture.
Please label the bags with: The tree species Concern or symptoms Location Date Your name & email address.
Please download and fill in the form below for any clinical services.
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